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Bhilwara | Ajmer | Rajsamand | Total |
25000 | 17000 | 9000 | 51000 |
Guru Vandan
Bhilwara | Ajmer | Rajsamand | Total |
200 | 150 | 100 | 450 |
Bhilwara | Ajmer | Rajsamand | Total |
55 | 30 | 15 | 100 |
Bhilwara | Ajmer | Rajsamand | Total |
30 | 13 | 7 | 50 |
Blood Donation
Bhilwara | Ajmer | Rajsamand | Total |
2100 | 1500 | 500 | 3500 |
Tree Plan
Bhilwara | Ajmer | Rajsamand | Total |
1000 | 800 | 451 | 2251 |
Tulsi Gamla Vitaran
Bhilwara | Ajmer | Rajsamand | Total |
1000 | 800 | 451 | 2251 |
Vanvasi Sahayata
Bhilwara | Ajmer | Rajsamand | Total |
40000 | 30000 | 11000 | 81000 |
It is dedicated to the development and growth of our country in all fields of human endeavour - cultural, social, academic, moral, national and spiritual - by promoting a sense of patriotism...